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footage by Jay Turner of Uneek Tree Inc.

News & Announcements

Stella posing with her grandmother in front of her school

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene’s destruction across western North Carolina, communities and individuals have rallied in numerous ways to support those affected. Among them is 8-year-old Stella R., a second grader at Salem Elementary School, who decided to sell something very special to her to help hurricane victims.

Read More about Salem Elementary second grader sells prized collection to aid Hurricane Helene victims
the superintendent, and board member and media coordinator posing with the donated books

A Freedom High School graduate’s illustrated books have found themselves on the shelves of Burke County Public Schools elementary school media centers, thanks to a generous donation from her parents.  Katie Kath is a 2007 graduate of Freedom and has a master’s degree in illustration from Savannah College of Art and Design. She has gone on to illustrate children’s books from authors such as...

Read More about Local graduate’s illustrated books donated to libraries
Kindergarten Registration

If you have a child that will be 5 prior to August 31, 2023, please drop by the front office for a Kindergarten Packet!


the front of the school viewed from under a big oak tree

Mission Statement

Mission:  To provide a safe environment where students can become critical thinkers and life-long learners with self-confidence and the ability to work cooperatively towards a productive life.

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