footage by Jay Turner of Uneek Tree Inc.
News & Announcements
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene’s destruction across western North Carolina, communities and individuals have rallied in numerous ways to support those affected. Among them is 8-year-old Stella R., a second grader at Salem Elementary School, who decided to sell something very special to her to help hurricane victims.
A Freedom High School graduate’s illustrated books have found themselves on the shelves of Burke County Public Schools elementary school media centers, thanks to a generous donation from her parents. Katie Kath is a 2007 graduate of Freedom and has a master’s degree in illustration from Savannah College of Art and Design. She has gone on to illustrate children’s books from authors such as...
If you have a child that will be 5 prior to August 31, 2023, please drop by the front office for a Kindergarten Packet!
In order to provide continuing support for our youngest readers, NCDPI's Office of Early Learning has developed and released “Literacy at Home.”
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Mission Statement
Mission: To provide a safe environment where students can become critical thinkers and life-long learners with self-confidence and the ability to work cooperatively towards a productive life.